Monday, 24 November 2014

Magic Wonderland

This tutorial was written by me on November 24, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.

Tube: I am using the tube "Zoe" by Alicia Mujica
You can purchase this beautiful tube HERE

ScrapKit: I am using the kit "Christmas 2014" by Alicia Mujica
You can purchase this lovely kit HERE

* Do not Deselect unless it says to do so*
*See my image for placement & Dropshadow as you go*

Avitar 200 x 250
Banner 250 x 700


Select background - flood fill white
Selections - Modify - Contract x5 - delete
Flood fill Black - Modify - Contract x5 - delete
Flood Fill White - Modify - Contract x5 - delete

Selections - Modify - Expand x10 - c/p paper 2a - into selection

Arboleda - resize 20% - c/p to image - invert/delete - invert
Arbol Navidad Nieve - resize 20% - c/p to image - invert/delete - invert
Estrellas 1 - resize 20% - c/p to image - invert/delete - invert
Muneco de Nieve - resize 15% - c/p to image
Copos de Nieve - resize 20% - c/p to image
Regalo - resize 20% - c/p to image x2
Chimenea Decorada - resize 40% - c/p to image - invert/delete - invert
Tube - resize 40% - c/p to image - invert/delete - deselect

Merge Visible
Add Copyright & Name


Select background - flood fill white
Selections - Modify - Contract x5 - delete
Flood Fill Black - Modify Contract x5 - delete
Flood Fill White - Modify - Contract x5 - delete

Selections - Modify - Expand x10 - New Raster Layer - c/p Banner to image
Place where you like - invert/delete - deselect

Merge Visible
Add Copyright & Name

© RavenRoseDesigns