Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Super Awesome
This tutorial was written by me on June 25, 2015.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the fantastic art of Arthur Crowe
You can purchase his art HERE
Scrap Kit: I am using a fabulous kit by Abstract Creations "Super Awesome"
You can purchase this great kit HERE
Mask: Mask of your choosing
Drop Shadow as you go
MW=Magic Wand
NRL= New Raster Layer
WA=Word Art
FF=Flood Fill
Canvas 600x 600
MW activate background - c/p p6 into selection - deselect
Layers - load/save mask - mask of choice
Layers - merge visible - merge group
Element 31
Image - rotate to the right - resize 75% - c/p to image
MW select inside frame - hold Shift key and select rest of frame spaces
Selections - modify x5 - NRL - c/p p7 into selection
DO NOT deselect
Element 45
Image - resize 75% - c/p to image - place where you like
Selections - invert/delete/invert
Element 13
Image - resize 50% - c/p to image - place where you like
Selections - invert/delete - deselect
Move frame to front
Open tube - resize as needed - c/p to image
E47 - resize 60% - c/p to image
E35 - resize 50% - c/p to image x3
E39 - resize 50% - c/p to image x2
E41 - resize 80% - c/p to image
E28 - resize 50% - free rotate right 25% - c/p to image
E34 - resize 50% - c/p to image
E38 - resize 30% - c/p to image
E50 - resize 80% - c/p to image
E21 - resize 30% - c/p to image
E1 - resize 50% - c/p to image
E25 - resize 50% - c/p to image
E44 - c/p to image
Add copyrights and name
Save As PNG
Rockin' Photo Addiction
This tutorial was written by me on June 25, 2015.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the fantastic art of Arthur Crowe
You can purchase his art HERE
Scrap Kit: I am using a fabulous kit by Abstract Creations "Skull Addiction"
You can purchase this great kit HERE
Template: I am using the template "Photo" by Dee
You can download this great template HERE
Mask: Mask of your choosing
Drop Shadow as you go
MW=Magic Wand
NRL= New Raster Layer
WA=Word Art
FF=Flood Fill
Canvas 600x 600
MW activate background - c/p p2 into selection - deselect
Layers - load/save mask - mask of choice
Layers - merge visible - merge group
Open template - Shift D - close original
Resize template 80% - merge WA together
Select WA - selections - float/defloat - modify x5
NRL - flood fill with gradient of choice - move WA above FF - deselect
MW select inside first photo - c/p tube to image - place where you like
Selections - invert/delete - Do the same for remaining photos
Layers - merge visible - c/p to image above mask
E7 - resize 30% - c/p to image
E50 - resize 80% - c/p to image
E12 - resize 80% - c/p to image
E20- c/p to image
E16 - free rotate 30% left - resize 30% - c/p to image
E24 - mirror - resize 50% - c/p to image
E33 - resize 80% - c/p to image
E37 - resize 90% - c/p to image
E8 - resize 40% - c/p to image
E6 - mirror - resize 40% - c/p to image
Layers - merge visible
Add copyright and name
Save As PNG
Nautical Mermaid
This tutorial was written by me on June 25, 2015.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have a good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the gorgeous art of Selina Fenech
You can purchase her art HERE
Scrap Kit: I am using an amazing kit by Abstract Creations "Nautical"
You can purchase this kit HERE
Mask: Use mask of choice
*Drop Shadow as you go*
*MW=Magic Wand*
*NRL=New Raster Layer*
Canvas 600 x 600
MW activate background - c/p p5 into selection - deselect
Layers - load/save mask - choose your mask
Layers - merge visible - merge group
E22 - resize 80% - c/p to image
E49 - resize 80% - c/p to image
E17 - mirror - resize 80% - c/p to image
E50 - resize 80% - c/p to image
E45 - miror - resize 50% - c/p to image
E43 - resize 50% - c/p to image
E12 - resize 30% - c/p to image
E33 - resize 50% - c/p to image
E9 - resize 50% - c/p to image
E44 - c/p to image - blur 25%
E4 - resize 30% - c/p to image
E14 - resize 50% - c/p to image
E32 - mirror - resize 30% - c/p to image
Open tube - c/p to image - place where you like
Layers - merge visible
Add copyrights and name
Save As PNG
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