Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Super Awesome
This tutorial was written by me on June 25, 2015.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the fantastic art of Arthur Crowe
You can purchase his art HERE
Scrap Kit: I am using a fabulous kit by Abstract Creations "Super Awesome"
You can purchase this great kit HERE
Mask: Mask of your choosing
Drop Shadow as you go
MW=Magic Wand
NRL= New Raster Layer
WA=Word Art
FF=Flood Fill
Canvas 600x 600
MW activate background - c/p p6 into selection - deselect
Layers - load/save mask - mask of choice
Layers - merge visible - merge group
Element 31
Image - rotate to the right - resize 75% - c/p to image
MW select inside frame - hold Shift key and select rest of frame spaces
Selections - modify x5 - NRL - c/p p7 into selection
DO NOT deselect
Element 45
Image - resize 75% - c/p to image - place where you like
Selections - invert/delete/invert
Element 13
Image - resize 50% - c/p to image - place where you like
Selections - invert/delete - deselect
Move frame to front
Open tube - resize as needed - c/p to image
E47 - resize 60% - c/p to image
E35 - resize 50% - c/p to image x3
E39 - resize 50% - c/p to image x2
E41 - resize 80% - c/p to image
E28 - resize 50% - free rotate right 25% - c/p to image
E34 - resize 50% - c/p to image
E38 - resize 30% - c/p to image
E50 - resize 80% - c/p to image
E21 - resize 30% - c/p to image
E1 - resize 50% - c/p to image
E25 - resize 50% - c/p to image
E44 - c/p to image
Add copyrights and name
Save As PNG