Sunday, 30 August 2015

Autumn Nights

This tutorial was written by me on August 28, 2015.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I used the beautiful art of VeryMany called "Eleanor"
You can purchase her lovely art HERE

Scrap Kit: I am using the awesome kit "Autumn Nights" by Abstract Creations
You can purchase this gorgeous kit HERE

Mask: Mask of Choice
Drop Shadow as you go
MW=Magic Wand
WA=Word Art
FF=Flood Fill
NRL=New Raster Layer
Canvas 600 x 600

MW select BKG - c/p P.9 into selection
Selections - modify - contract x5 - delete
NRL - c/p P.6 into selection

Selections - modify - contract x5 - delete
NRL - c/p P.5 - into selection

Selections - modify - expand x15 - NRL - c/p P.4 into selection - deselect

You can either add either noise or an inner bevel to your frame or both

Element 49 - c/p to image
Element  41- c/p to image
Element 3 - c/p to image
Close up tube - c/p to image
Resize full body tube as needed - mirror - c/p to image
Element 50 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 36 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 15 - c/p to image

Layers - Merge Visible

Add Copyright & Name