Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Rosita Christmas
This tutorial was written by me on October 28, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the tube "Rosita" by Alicia Mujica
You need a license to use her beautiful art, which you can get HERE
Scrap: I am using the gorgeous kit "Carolane" by Amy Marie
You can purchase it HERE
*See my image for placement. Dropshadow as you go*
This is an easy tutorial!
Canvas 600x600
Select all - c/p pp18 into selection - deselect
Layers - load/save mask - add mask of choice - merge visible/group
Element 40 - c/p to image
Open Tube - resize 40% - c/p to image
Element 44 - c/p to image
Element 45 - resize 15% - c/p to image
Element 51 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 69 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 54 - resize 60% - c/p to image
Element 22 - resize 60% - c/p to image
Element 60 - c/p to image
Element 66 - c/p to image
Element 58 - c/p to image
Element 47 - c/p to image
Element 36 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 32 - resize 75% - c/p to image
Element 3 - resize 75% - c/p to image
Merge Visible
Add Copyright & Name
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All Spruced Up
This tutorial was written by me on October 28, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the tube "Rosita" by Alicia Mujica
You need a license to use her beautiful art which you can get HERE
Scrap: I am using the wonderful kit "Bah!!! Humbug" by Bibi's Creations
You can purchase it HERE
Template: Christmas Temp 11 by Dee's Design Depot
You can find it HERE
*See my image for placement. Dropshadow as you go*
Open template - Shift D - close original
Delete font info & credits - as well as background
Element 41 - c/p to image below temp
Top Red Rectangle - layers - merge down
Select all - float/defloat - modify - contract x5
New Raster Layer - c/p paper 5 into selection - deselect
Bottom Gold Strip - layers merge down - adjust - add noise
Merge Left and top cream square together - select all - float/defloat
C/P paper 7 into selection - deselect
Top Green Circle - Merge Down
Select all - float/defloat - open tube - c/p to image - invert/delete - deselect
Duplicate tube - hue/saturate - colorize 0-0 - blur 80%
Red Center Shape - Select all - float/defloat - modify - contract x5
New Raster Layer - c/p paper 3 into selection - deselect
Element 49 - resize 40% - c/p to image
Element 40 - resize 40% - c/p to image
Gold Circle - open tube - resize 40% - c/p to image
Element 14 - resize 30% - c/p to image
Element 50 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 13 - c/p to image
Element 12 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 19 - resize 75% - c/p to image
Element 43 - c/p to image
Element 60 - rotate 90 degrees - resize 60% - c/p to image
Element 45 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 56 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Merge Visible
Add Copyright & Name
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Christmas Tinsel
This tutorial was written by me on October 28, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the tube "Rosita" by Alicia Mujica
You need a license to use her wonderful art which you can get HERE
Scrap: I am using the wonderful kit "Stolen Christmas" by Bibi's Creations
You can purchase it HERE
Template: Christmas Template 10 by Dee's Design Depot
You can find it HERE
*See my image for placement. Dropshadow as you go*
Open temp - Shift D - Close original
Resize temp 94% - delete credits & font info - delete background
New Raster Layer - select using magic wand - open element 90
C/P into selection - Element 90 flip - c/p into selection - deselect
Element 94 - resize 85% - c/p to image x2 flipping one of them
Gold Oval - c/p paper 9 into selection - deselect
Bottom Left Green Rectangle - Layers - merge down
Selections - select all - float/defloat - c/p paper 1 to image - invert/delete - deselect
Adjust - Hue/Saturation - colorize 0-0 - Blur 50%
Bottom Red Rectangle - layers - merge down
Select all - float/defloat - c/p paper 12 into selection - deselect
Creme Square - select all - float/defloat
Open tube - resize 41% - c/p to image - invert/delete - deselect
Tube layer - duplicate - hue/saturation - colorize 0-0 - blur 80%
Top Right Green Rectangle - select all - float/defloat - c/p ele 8 into selection
Invert/delete - same for top left layer rectangle
Center Green Strip - select all - float/defloat - c/p ele 76 into selection - deselect
Center Gold Circle - select all - float/defloat - c/p paper 13 into selection
While still selected - open tube - c/p to image
Element 23 - c/p to image
Element 24 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 1 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 22 - resize 75% - c/p to image
Element 27 - c/p to image
Element 3 - resize 75% - c/p to image
Element 91 - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 9 - resize 30% - c/p to image
Merge Visible
Add Copyright & Name
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Monday, 13 October 2014
Haunted Hallows
This tutorial was written by me on October 10, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must of good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the wonderful art of Alicia Mujica "Selina"
You need a license to use her art which you can get HERE
Scrap Kit: I am using a kit by Abstract Creations called "Vintage Halloween"
You can purchase this kit HERE
Template: Temp #21 at Dangerously Delicious Designz
It is a collab kit and can be found HERE
Open temp - shift D - close original
Delete credits and Background
Left purple rectangle - layers - merge down
Select all - float/defloat - modify - contract x5
New layer - c/p paper 6 into selection - deselect
Right teal layer - layers - merge down
Select all - float/defloat - modify - contract x5
New layer - c/p paper 2 into selection - deselect
Left orange circle - select all - float/defloat - modify - contract x5
Layer - c/p paper 7 into selection
C/P image into selection - invert/delete - deselect - blur 50%
Do same for right orange circle
Delete green rounded rectangle
Element 51 - c/p above haunted house
Open tube - resize 50% - c/p to image
Element 43 - resize 60% - c/p to image
Element 2 - resize 60% - c/p to image
Element 20 - resize 60% - c/p to image
Element 47 - resize 80% - c/p to image
Element 4 - resize 80% - c/p to image
Element 3 - resize 80% - c/p to image
Add copyrights and name
Save as PNG
©Raven Rose Designs
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Witching Hour
This tutorial was written by me on October 7, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the wonderful art of Alicia Mujica "Selina"
You need a license to use her art which you can get HERE
Scrap Kit: I am using a kit by Amy Maria called "Witching 2014"
You can purchase the kit HERE
See my image for placement of Elements
Don't forget to add your dropshadow as you go
Banner: Canvas size 700 x 250
Avatar: Canvas size 250 x 200
Banner 700 x 250
New raster layer - magic wand - flood fill #420c26 - modify - contract x5 - delete
New raster layer - flood fill #b792a4 - add noise - modify - contract x3 - delete
New raster layer - flood fill # 420c26 - modify - contract x5 - delete
Original layer - flood fill white
Element 32 - resize 50% - c/p to left of image - invert - delete
Element 5 - mirror - resize 50% - c/p top left of image
Element 60 - c/p to image
Element 61 - c/p to image
Element 84 - resize 75% - c/p to image
Element 86 - c/p to image
Click on background with magic wand
Open tube - mirror - c/p to image - invert - delete - deselect
Merge Visible
Add copyright and name.
Save as png
Avatar 250 x 200
Magic wand - click on image - flood fill white
New raster layer - flood fill #420c26 - modify - contract x5 - delete
New raster layer - flood fill #b792a4 - adjust - add noise - modify - contract x3 - delete
New raster layer - flood fill #420c26 - modify x5 - delete - deselect
Magic wand - click on background
Open Tube - c/p to image - invert - delete - move under borders
Merge Visible & add Copyrights
Save as PNG
©Raven Rose Designs
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Spooky Wonderland
This tutorial was written by me on October 7, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the wonderful art of Alicia Mujica "Selina"
You need a license to use her art which you can get HERE
Scrap Kit: I am using a kit by Amy Marie called Halloween Night
This kit can be purchased HERE
Mask: use mask of your own choosing
Canvas 600 x 600
Click on background with magic wand - new layer
Open Paper 10 - c/p into selection - deselect
Add mask of choice - merge visible - merge group
Element 4 - c/p to image - magic wand - click inside frame
Selections - modify x5 - layers - new raster layer
C/P paper 14 into selection - do not deselect
Open tube - image - mirror - c/p onto image
Place in frame - duplicate - selections - invert - delete - deselect
Adjust - Gaussian Blur x10 - move copy below original image
Adjust - Hue/Saturation - colorize 0/0 - blur 30%
Element 27 - resize 50% - c/p to image - see my image for placement
Element 25 - resize 75% - c/p to image - see my image for placement
Element 26 - resize 75% - c/p to image - see my image for placement
Element 27 - c/p to image - place in front of mask
Element 8 - c/p to image - place in front of element 27
Element 27 - resize 80% - c/p place right of image
Element 33 - resize 60% - c/p left of image
Element 4 - image mirror - resize 75% - c/p to right of image
Element 26 - resize 75% - c/p under house and to left
Element 63 - resize 75% - c/p to top of image
Element 31 - resize 75% - c/p left side top of frame
Element 72 - c/p in front of mask
Element 29 - c/p in front of frame
Element 39 - resize 30% - c/p to center of web
Element 64 - mirror - resize 45% - c/p bottom right of frame
Element 27 - resize 80% - c/p place right of image
Element 33 - resize 60% - c/p left of image
Element 4 - image mirror - resize 75% - c/p to right of image
Element 26 - resize 75% - c/p under house and to left
Element 63 - resize 75% - c/p to top of image
Element 31 - resize 75% - c/p left side top of frame
Element 72 - c/p in front of mask
Element 29 - c/p in front of frame
Element 39 - resize 30% - c/p to center of web
Element 64 - mirror - resize 45% - c/p bottom right of frame
Open tube - resize 45% - c/p to image
Don't forget to add your dropshadows as you go
Add copyrights and your name.
©Raven Rose Designs
Labels:Tutorials | 0
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Rowena Darkness
This tutorial was written by me on October 4, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and any similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the wonderful art of Alicia Mujica
You need a license to use her art which you can get HERE
Scrapkit: I am using a kit by Scrap & Co called DarkAngel
This is a collab kit and you can purchase it HERE
Mask: One of your choosing
Font: One of your choosing
Canvas 600 X 600
Dropshadow as you go
Click on background with magic wand - New Layer
Open paper DA1 - c/p onto image
Layers - load/save mask - choose your mask - hit Ok
Layers - Merge Visible - Merge Group
Element DA El 30 - resize 65% -c/p onto image
Element 20 - resize 50% - c/p behind gate on both sides
Element DA 34 - c/p onto image below and front of gate
Element DA El 47 - resize 50% - c/p left of image
Element DA 11 - c/p in front of mask
Element DA 12 - c/p in front of mask
Element 10 - resize 30% - c/p behind skull
Element DA El 33 - Image Mirror - resize 50% - c/p behind dragon fly
Element DA 15 - resize 50% - c/p to left of image
Element DA El 16 - resize 20% - c/p to top of tree
Element DA El 31 - resize 20% - duplicate - c/p bottom of tree
Element DA 20 - resize 50% - duplicate x4 - blur 50% - c/p bottom of image
Element DA 19 - resize 30% - c/p bottom of candle stand under fog
Tube - resize 30% - c/p center of image
Layers - Merge Visible
Add Copyright and Name
©Raven Rose Designs
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Haunted Scarecrow
This tutorial was written by me on October 4, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and any similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the wonderful art of Alicia Mujica
You need a license to use her art which you can get HERE
Scrapkit: I am using a kit by Hania called Scarecrow
You can purchase it HERE
Template: I am using KDHal2 from Dangerously Delicious Designz
You can visit them HERE
Mask: Use a mask of choice
Font: I am using Jellyka Delicious Cake
Dropshadow as you go.
Open template - Shift D - Close original template
Delete credits and background - Close out all layers
New Raster layer - magic wand - c/p paper#9 - deselect
Layers - Load/Save Mask - mask of choice - hit ok
Layers - Merge Visible - Merge Group
Working from bottom layer up - open Splat - Blur 50%
Open Webs - Selection - Select all - Float/DeFloat - Modify 2
Layers - New Raster Layer - Flood Fill Color #c0c0c0 - Deselect
Adjust - Add Noise - Move under Webs
Activate Black Rectangle - Magic Wand - click in rectangle
C/P paper #6 into selection - Selections - Modify by 5
New raster layer - flood fill color #894820 - Select none
Adjust - Add Noise - move below rectangle - Blend Mode Screen
Delete Pixel Words & Dotted Line Layer
Activate Raster 6 and Purple Circle
Purple Circle - Selections - Select All - Float/DeFloat - c/p paper #10 into selection
Open Tube - c/p onto image - place where you like - Invert - Delete - Select None
Blend Mode - Hard Light
Orange Circles - Selections - Select All - Float/DeFloat - c/p paper #1 into selection
Open Tube again - c/p onto image - place where you like over orange circles
Selections - Invert - Delete - Blend Mode - Luminance (Legacy)
Activate Black Rings
Delete Moon Layer - Delete Black Cut Out Circle
Activate Bats - Place where you like - Delete the Stars
Activate rest of layers
Element 82 - resize 80% - c/p to left of image
Element 84 - resize 80% - c/p Place under small circles
Element 16 - resize 50% - c/p place under fog
Element 29 - resize 50% - c/p left of image under fog
Element 68 - resize 75% - c/p under fog
Element 13 - resize 50% - c/p left of image
Layers - Merge Visible
Add Copyrights and Name
©Raven Rose Designs
Labels:Tutorials | 0
Halloween Time
This tutorial was written by me on October 4, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and any similarity is purely coincidental.
It was made out of my own creation and any similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the wonderful art of Alicia Mujica
You need a license to use her art which you can get HERE
Font: I am using Frosting for Breakfast
Canvas size 600X600
Drop Shadow as you go
See my tag for reference
Click on back ground with Magic Wand - New Layer
Open Paper 4a - c/p into selection - deselect
Layers - Load/Save Mask - Select MPM 86 - hitOK
Merge Visible - Merge Group
Element #5 - Resize 45% - c/p onto image
Use your magic wand - click in the center of circle frame
Selections - Modify - Expand by 10 - hit OK
Layers - New Raster Layer - c/p paper 6a into selection
Deselect - Move your Frame ahead of your paper
Click on your inner circle - Select All - Float - DeFloat
Element Deco 1 - Resize 45% - c/p onto image
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Element Deco 10 - Resize 35% - c/p to bottom right of image
Element Casas - Resize 40% - c/p to left of image
Element Nube 2 - Resize 40% - c/p to top of image
Element Nube 1 - Resize 30% - c/p to top left image
Element Deco 9 - Resize 30% - c/p to center and right of image
Element Murcielago 1 - Image - Flip - Resize 20% - c/p right of image
Element Espantapajaro 1 - Resize 50% - c/p x3 - place bottom left to right of image
Tube - Resize 35% - c/p place to left of image
Layers - Merge Visible
Add your copyright info and name.
©Raven Rose Designs
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