Monday, 13 October 2014
Witching Hour
This tutorial was written by me on October 7, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Tube: I am using the wonderful art of Alicia Mujica "Selina"
You need a license to use her art which you can get HERE
Scrap Kit: I am using a kit by Amy Maria called "Witching 2014"
You can purchase the kit HERE
See my image for placement of Elements
Don't forget to add your dropshadow as you go
Banner: Canvas size 700 x 250
Avatar: Canvas size 250 x 200
Banner 700 x 250
New raster layer - magic wand - flood fill #420c26 - modify - contract x5 - delete
New raster layer - flood fill #b792a4 - add noise - modify - contract x3 - delete
New raster layer - flood fill # 420c26 - modify - contract x5 - delete
Original layer - flood fill white
Element 32 - resize 50% - c/p to left of image - invert - delete
Element 5 - mirror - resize 50% - c/p top left of image
Element 60 - c/p to image
Element 61 - c/p to image
Element 84 - resize 75% - c/p to image
Element 86 - c/p to image
Click on background with magic wand
Open tube - mirror - c/p to image - invert - delete - deselect
Merge Visible
Add copyright and name.
Save as png
Avatar 250 x 200
Magic wand - click on image - flood fill white
New raster layer - flood fill #420c26 - modify - contract x5 - delete
New raster layer - flood fill #b792a4 - adjust - add noise - modify - contract x3 - delete
New raster layer - flood fill #420c26 - modify x5 - delete - deselect
Magic wand - click on background
Open Tube - c/p to image - invert - delete - move under borders
Merge Visible & add Copyrights
Save as PNG
©Raven Rose Designs
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