Monday, 13 October 2014

Spooky Wonderland

This tutorial was written by me on October 7, 2014.
It was made out of my own creation and similarity is purely coincidental.
I used PSP 9 and you must have good PSP knowledge and be familiar with the tools.

Tube: I am using the wonderful art of Alicia Mujica "Selina"
You need a license to use her art which you can get HERE

Scrap Kit: I am using a kit by Amy Marie called Halloween Night
This kit can be purchased HERE

Mask: use mask of your own choosing

Canvas 600 x 600

Click on background with magic wand - new layer
Open Paper 10 - c/p into selection - deselect
Add mask of choice - merge visible - merge group

Element 4 - c/p to image - magic wand - click inside frame
Selections - modify x5 - layers - new raster layer
C/P paper 14 into selection - do not deselect

Open tube - image - mirror - c/p onto image
Place in frame - duplicate - selections - invert - delete - deselect
 Adjust - Gaussian Blur x10 - move copy below original image
Adjust - Hue/Saturation - colorize 0/0 - blur 30%

Element 27 - resize 50% - c/p to image - see my image for placement
Element 25 - resize 75% - c/p to image - see my image for placement
Element 26 - resize 75% - c/p to image - see my image for placement
Element 27 - c/p to image - place in front of mask
Element 8 - c/p to image - place in front of element 27

Element 27 - resize 80% - c/p place right of image
Element 33 - resize 60% - c/p left of image
Element 4 - image mirror - resize 75% - c/p to right of image
Element 26 - resize 75% - c/p under house and to left
Element 63 - resize 75% - c/p to top of image
Element 31 - resize 75% - c/p left side top of frame
Element 72 - c/p in front of mask
Element 29 - c/p in front of frame
Element 39 - resize 30% - c/p to center of web
Element 64 - mirror - resize 45% - c/p bottom right of frame
Open tube - resize 45% - c/p to image

Don't forget to add your dropshadows as you go
Add copyrights and your name.
©Raven Rose Designs